Combating extreme poverty

The FXB village Kanyosha project successfully strengthened the resilience of 99 extremely poor families, i.e. 745 adults and children,sustainably lifting them out of multidimensional poverty. During the project, economic strengthening took place at two levels, firstly through the structuring of village savings and credit associations (VSLAs) and secondly through the implementation of income-generating activities (IGAs). By the end of the project, four VSLAs had been set up and every family had at least one IGA, with 74% having more than one, mainly in the sale of food products. Beneficiaries were given practical and theoretical knowledge of nutrition, particularly child nutrition. At the end of the project, 70% of families were able to declare that they ate three meals a day, and the remaining 30% ate two meals a day. No child was suffering from malnutrition. Thanks to the project, families now have access to the Tuvuzanye health insurance scheme and are increasingly going to health facilities for treatment rather than self-medicating. The psychosocial support provided to beneficiaries has enabled them to restore social cohesion, reduce family conflicts, boost self-esteem and reduce the risk of isolation and social exclusion.

The Swiss association François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB-International) was founded in 1989. Its mission is to fight poverty and AIDS by helping orphans and vulnerable children affected HIV/AIDS, and by strengthening the social and economic capacities of their families and communities. FXB International is active in Burundi, China, Colombia, India, Mongolia, Uganda, DRC, Rwanda, and Thailand.




Health / Education / Environment / Community Development


December 2020 - November 2023


Kanyosha / Burundi

With whom

FXB International (Association François-Xavier Bagnoud)



10.9 million (2017)

Per Capita Income
USD 280/year (2017)

Poverty rate *
65% (2014)

Literacy rate
62% (2016)

Human Development Index
185th out of 189 countries (2018)

Burundi is one of the five poorest countries in the world. Following the civil war which ended in 2005, the country transitioned implemented significant improvements to consolidate peace and security. The political crisis in 2015 led to an increase in violence and instability, displacing over 300,000 people. Progress has been made regarding the net enrolment rate and gender parity in primary school, vaccination coverage and slowing down the spread of HIV/Aids, and the literacy rates among adults improved from 52% (1990) to 62% (2016). However, almost one in two households is food insecure and almost half of the children are stunted. Access to water and sanitation is very low and less than 5% of the total population have access to electricity.

Sources: World Food Program, UNICEF, World Bank, 2016 Human Development Report, Human Development Indices and Indicators (2018 Statistical Update)

*The percentage of the population living below the national poverty line.