Empowering genocide widows

Donatah Uwamariya is a 56 years old widow from Bwishyura Sector of Karongi District. She has attended entrepreneurship training skills made available through the project, but was not able to take loans from bank.

“I was always scared of taking bank loans, because once I do not repay, it will bring more problems. I have decided to borrow from the group savings, and my group agreed to lend to me 250,000 Rwf ($240) as a first round. After repaying it well I took another 250,000 Rwf ($240) second round to start my mini supermarket”.

Donatha has confirmed that before getting this chance to start her small business her life was very complicated due to having a family without a source of income to support them. But things have changed after starting her small business. She is able to earn money and use that to pay for school fees, uniform and materials for her daughters who are still at school. She has a plan to expand this mini super market by taking more loans and adding more items needed.