Three organisations presented in December 2014 the final reports of their projects funded by the Addax and Oryx Foundation.
The association EFFATA finalised its maternity hospital project benefitting the women and children of the Odoguié village in Cote d'Ivoire. The project, delayed by the civil conflict in 2010/2011, was completed following the connection of the pipelines, water tower and pumping station, supplying water to the hospital and the village.
The Gentiana Development Network association facilitated the schooling of 39 scout students from poor families attending the Gentiana primary school, located in the heart of Kabiria, a slum near Nairobi, Kenya.
The SSLDF association successfully increased the capacity of the Magbenthe community hospital in Makeni in Sierra Leone. Despite the difficult conditions prevailing in the country, the new out-patient unit is operational and treating patients.