The Association of Mountain People of the World (APMM) and its partners officially launched the sale of Paratilapia betsileanus, an endemic fish in Madagascar, as a value-added product. The announcement was made on the occasion of World Environment Day in June 2014, in the Andoharanomaitso region of Haute Marsiatra.
This confirms the success of marketing value-added fish to market operators two years after the end of the project funded by the Addax and Oryx Foundation.
The project had reached in August 2012, its goal of sustainably managing endemic fish species, while increasing the income of the local communities. The growing demand for fish led APMM and its partners to facilitate the link between local producers supervised by the project and local market operators offering attractive prices. Fish farmers today sell their entire fish production. The announcement of the marketing of Paratilapia betsileanus confirmed the ability of APMM and the communities of the Upper Marsiatra region to continue the sustainable protection and commercialisation of endemic fish species.