Four projects completed in Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Madagascar and Mali

6 March 2015

Four organisations presented at the end of 2014 the final reports of their projects funded by the Addax and Oryx Foundation.

PEFACI successfully facilitated youth access to employment and agricultural entrepreneurship by creating a new learning facility, IFERA (Institut de Formation à l’Entrepreneuriat Rural et Agricole), in Yaoussoukro. The school combines theoretical and practical teaching methods adapted to graduates of the Family Farming Schools in Cote d’Ivoire.

The association TIM-SFV facilitated access to drinking water in 13 villages (80,000 people) in the Aloatra Mangoro region of Madagascar, through the provision of a water chlorination apparatus: Watalys. This resulted in a significant drop in the prevalence of water-related diseases.

The association AccEd, in partnership with the local association Aja Mali, provided 130 youths with basic computer skills together with general technical and professional education, and trained 40 youths as computer technicians in Bamako, Mali. These youths now have improved professional capabilities that have enabled them to better integrate the local economy and access employment. 

The Sahara Conservation Fund (SCF) successfully led its project aiming to reintroduce the oryx algazelle in Chad. The large-scale reintroduction is taking place in the Ouadi Rimé-Ouadi Achim game reserve in the centre of the country, which offers the most favourable conditions.