2 September 2022
One year into the 18-month project, aiming to improve livelihoods, psychological resilience, food security an access to sustainable energy for 400 vulnerable genocide widows the Karongi and Rutsiro districts of Rwanda’s western province, over 522 beneficiaries have been reached.
375 women and 147 men have joined income generating activities groups, 88 of whom have received loans form Urwego Bank to finance their small businesses. 450 beneficiaries participated in the mental health awareness and screening. 40 beneficiaries received individual professional counselling. 162 beneficiaries received group counselling services through the project.30 widows received kitchen garden seeds to improve their nutrition ad of their dependents. 25 of the most vulnerable families received goats, enabling them to increase their living standards. The project enabled 46 families to receive 105 chickens, enabling them to eat eggs and sell the surplus.
Visit our testimonials page to read about Victorine Mukanadenge and Donatah Uwamariya, two beneficiaries of the project.