Projects completed in Benin, Burkina Faso, Togo and the Jordan Valley

25 April 2016

Four organisations presented at the end of 2015 the final reports of their projects funded by the Addax and Oryx Foundation.

Initiative Dévelopmment (ID) increased the professional capabilities of public and private sector water supply operators within the communes of Toffo, Zé and Kpomassé (57,000 inhabitants), helping them to sustainably manage their public water services. 

The association Boule de Neige completed the construction of the vocational training college in the Kompienga province in Burkina Faso. The college will open in October 2016 and enable 120 students to begin training courses in administration, accounting, structural engineering, masonry and construction.

The project led by the University of Lausanne in Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Territories successfully improved food security and protected the environment by increasing crop yields through the use of barn owls, instead of pesticides, as pest control agents against rodents.

The association IAS (Ingénieurs et Architectes Solidaires) successfully equipped the vocational training centre PERFECT and the adjacent neighbourhood in Sotouboua commune, central Togo, with a solar-powered water supply system.