12 June 2024
The project led by Cycling out of Poverty Uganda is aiming to equip 200 students (of whom 50% are girls) with a bicycle and a solar light. The project also aims to establish 5 ‘agroforestry’ school gardens, educate and train 1,500 school children in agroforestry, environment, climate change adaptations, protection of local biodiversity and nutrition. One year into the project, 100 students have received bicycles, 61% of whom are girls. All students have been trained on bicycle repair and maintenance. 2 youths have been trained as bike mechanics and there are 5 operational cycling clubs. An annual bicycle –culture event was successfully organized and met with much enthusiasm. In addition, 5 operational agroforestry gardens have been established and 500 students educated and trained in agroforestry, the environment and nutrition, climate change adaptations and on how to protect local biodiversity. 850 trees have been planted and 1’000 parents and community members trained in agroforestry techniques.
We are excited for year two of this successful project!!